
Almost my escape, but more a general way of some peoples escape from the urban rush and recently Covid strains.

These series are a short personal experience from being in allotment with the seasonal garden work and chats over the fence. Last summer I spent few days here helping and catching sun, this spring returned.

Maybe my upbringing, maybe my love for outdoors, maybe my wishful thinking that I have green fingers, or all combined is what draws me to these mystical allocated zones in cities for people to connect with the basics.

My friend who owns the allotment is a straight forward woman with a big heart. She invited me in, gave me opportunity to learn craft, help pulling weeds and eat the goodness,

I am hoping to create more photographs over the season, as this indeed was one of my favourite pastimes in the pandemic,

We each found our ways to cope, to last and to still enjoy life and there was many people taking advantage of the allotment.
What was your escape?